I come from Darrington, Washington State in the United States. The city is in the northwestern United States near Canada and the Pacific Ocean. With only 1,300 residents, Darrington is smaller than Araguaína. Araguaína is much flatter than Darrington. Darrington is located in valley with glacier capped mountains. While the Darrington winters are colder than Araguaina, summer days can be as hot as it is in Araguaína with temperatures sometimes reaching 41º C. June is the beginning of the summer vacation for many schools in the USA. Like Araguaína, residents of Darrington head to the rivers to swim and cool off during these hot days. Araguaína's rivers are larger and warmer than Darrington's rivers. During the summer, the colors of the rivers range from crystal clear, to turquoise to milky brown. Families swim, fish and have barbecues on the small beaches next to the rivers.
I am currently missing those summer days jumping from trees and swimming in the cold rivers back home. Other summer activities include hiking, rafting, biking and music festivals.
What are some activities you are planning to do for your July vacation?