Hi UFT!!! We’re back! Last week I didn’t post because Michol
and I were in Brasília!! We had a conference for all of the Fulbright ETAs in
Brazil. Michol and I are just two of thirty people in our program. We are helping Letras professors teach
English at federal universities all over the country. Some universities have
one ETA. Others like UFT-Araguaína have
two. One university (Belém) even has
three ETAs!
I’m telling you this because the Fulbright program works
both ways. When you graduate, you can apply to be a Foreign Language Teaching
Assistant (FLTA). You will do what Michol, Oak, and I do at UFT. The only difference is that you will assist
at a university in the U.S.!! Exciting, right?!? Our program is nine months
long. We work part-time (meio período) and have a side project. The program also covers the cost of living,
passagens, and basic health care.
Sound interesting? Well, this opportunity and many more are
available to you! There are resources for students with great English and less
than great English. There are programs for students who have graduated and
those who have not graduated yet. If you
want to know more you can visit this website.
Taken straight from the UFT website: http://www.noticias.uft.edu.br/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=41400&Itemid=1
Estão abertas inscrições para 250
bolsas de cursos de idiomas a distância destinadas a alunos, professores e
técnicos da UFT de todos os câmpus. Para concorrer, o interessado deve ler
atentamente o edital publicado pela Diretoria de Assuntos
Internacionais (DAI). São oferecidas 150 bolsas para aulas virtuais de língua
espanhola e 100 para língua inglesa. Os cursos terão duração de até seis meses
e certificação pela Universia Brasil.
And as always you can e-mail us at etauft@gmail.com.
We look forward to hearing from you!