Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Great Christmas Tree Hunt

 My favorite holiday is not Christmas, Thanksgiving or the 4th of July.  It is not even a real holiday.  My favorite holiday is the family tradition of finding a Christmas tree.  On the Saturday after Thanksgiving, my family invites friends to our town.   We pack chain-saws, children, food and sleds into the trucks and we drive up the mountain roads.  Here we begin our hunt for the perfect tree.  The adults begin walking on the snow covered roads looking for trees.  

The kids take the sleds and find a steep hill to sled down.   Dogs run and chase the sleds.  There are snowball fights and skiing.

We start a fire to cook chili and heat hot chocolate.

We choose and cut down a tree for each family.  The trees are chosen based on their shape, color and foliage.  

We haul the trees back to the cars.   

And load them on top of the trucks.  It is the end of the day and many of the kids are cold and tired.  We return to our homes to have hot showers, and sit by the fire and play card games.

In the coming weeks, we will decorate the trees with ornaments and lights for Christmas.  

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to see the americans preparation for |Christmas and also see the difference between cultures. In Brazil it is very different. We don't have snow , neither the cold weather in most of the regions.Here we only buy a christmas tree at the supermarket and decorate it.Some families take a branch from a tree, but it is not a pine. At December 24th some families join to celebrate with a special dinner. People must eat at 12 a.m it is to celebrate Jesus borning. But it is not common in all families, of course there are many differences according to the social class and beliefs.



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