Thursday, September 12, 2013

Basic English (For Letras Students)12/9

Simple Past

To present the Simple Past I asked the following questions:
What did you do yesterday? [students formed 2 columns: regular and irregular verbs]
When did all these things happen? [in the past]
Are they still happening now? [no]
When we talk about the past, what happens to regular verbs?  [+ ed]
And the irregular verbs?
How do you know which verbs are regular and which are irregular? [Practice]

Then I handed out this worksheet with irregular verbs as a reference tool.

Next I presented how to ask questions and write negative statements and contractions.

When the answer to a question about past events is negative, the verb stays the same (infinitive).

After the presentation, students did a small group activity in which they wrote 5 questions about what people did "yesterday" in a photo. Then they asked each other their questions and wrote their responses. The were instructed to write some questions that had affirmative answers and some that have negative answers.

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