Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Beach Season

Congratulations everyone! It's beach season! Now is a time for sand, sun, and bathing suits.

Some of the best beaches in the U.S. are found in Hawaii. Hawaii is the last state to become part of the union. It is made up of islands.  Hawaii is the birthplace of the current U.S . President, Barack Obama.

There are also great beaches in Florida (orange, in the southeast corner) and California (purple, in the southwest corner).

It's come to my attention that some of you might not know where these states are located. So, I've included a map courtesy of

Alaska isn't actually at the bottom of the country (South). It's at the top (North). As you can see from the picture it shares a border with Canada. On this map, Hawaii is more or less in its correct position.

What are some of your favorite beaches here in Brazil?

Also, I've started a group of flash cards to help you learn English gírias. Check em' out!

They come from the 5th Edition of a book called "Como O Americano Diria Isso?" I borrowed the book from Prof. Elisa. If you like the phrases, let her know! 

That's all for this week. If you need any assistance, feel free to email or post a comment below. Happy learning!

Beach statistic found here 7/11/12

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