Sunday, July 14, 2013

American Culture Workshop (10/7)

Hi all,

This week in American culture class we learned about a few famous American painters and art movements. Here are some of the artists and the movement/genre they represent:

Edward Hopper - realism

Georgeia O'Keefe - modernism

Jackson Pollock -abstract expressionism

Andy Warhol - pop art

Jean-Michel Basquiat - primitivism, neo-expressionism

Cindy Sherman - photography

Richard Serra - sculpture

To finish up class, we played a game where students were given a postcard sized reproduction of a piece of art we had seen in my presentation. Another student in the class had the same reproduction. Students went around the room asking each other about the images of other students in order to figure out who had the same image as them.

See you after vacation! Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting Activity envolving arts! We call it interdisciplinarity!! Do you know this word? Does it exist?


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