Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First Workshop!!!

UFT English students and teachers after the first conversation workshop on April 5th.
The workshops have began.  The first workshop was held on April 5th.  The conversation workshop, which was the first to be filled with students signing up for workshops, only had 7 students present of the 20 students signed up to take the course.  Despite this fallback, teachers and students discussed stereotypes of Brazil and the United States and had a more intimate teaching and learning experience.  Workshops will be meeting Mondays through Fridays till the end of June.

Posted by Elisa and Oak.


  1. Hi Elisa and Oak,

    Unfortunately, I couldn't be at the first workshop. But next time I'll be there.This photo is very cool!

  2. Hi Ramila! I hope students will come next class. I think it was because they got confused with their schedule. The workshop was very nice! See you in the next class and thanks for writing justifying your absence.


  3. The first day of the workshop was very interesting and very fun!
    I am excited to participate in future meetings and learn many new things.

  4. Hello I want to say here that I am very happy with the workshop I'm learning a lot

  5. Hello Girls!!! I'm very happy with your comments!I like to see you learning and showing interest!!Let's go ahead!



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