Saturday, July 13, 2013

First Group Visit to Casa Ana Caroline

Last Sunday, July 7th was our first visit to Casa Ana Caroline (a home for children who are without families able to care for them well).

UFT Letras and Biology students showed up with donations and ready to spend their afternoon playing with the kids at 2pm last Sunday. Some students brought along some children's books and spent some time reading stories with the kids! They also brought little candies, balloons and diapers. One student brought his guitar to lead the kids in a time of singing which was a lot of fun!

There are 16 kids there but some of them were visiting relatives the day we visited so we only met 11 of them. Some of the kids had just recently arrived and were very happy to have company, but also very sad to see us go.

It was a bittersweet afternoon. It was so wonderful to get to see more people reaching out to these children and caring for them! It was a joy to be a part of it and get to chat and play with the kids that live there. I look forward to getting to know them all better and with the help of UFT students I hope that we can show them that they are loved and cherished! On the other hand it was very hard to see these kids and know that each of them has been through so much. One little girl who spent most of the afternoon with Francesca was sobbing when it was time for us to leave. It made me so sad to think about how this tiny little girl must be hurting. It's just not right for a child to ever have to feel this way!

I believe it's important to share a bit about why this project is so important to me. It breaks my heart to know that all of these children are victims, and as a result are separated from their families and I believe it breaks Jesus's heart too. I believe that the world wasn't created to be like this - with broken families, and children being neglected and abused - but that because sin entered the world with Adam and Eve, we live in a place where everywhere we turn there are injustices like this. I do believe that their is hope in Jesus though, amazing hope -- that one day there will be no more tears and Jesus will return and restore all that was lost when sin entered the world. I also feel called by God to be Jesus' hands and feet and love these children like he would. I feel that one of the most important things I can do in my life is to help others see, know and feel that they are beloved and I feel called to do my best to do that for these children (and invite others to go with me). My hope is that in our time with them they will recognize that Jesus cares for them and will never leave them or forsake them. That they will not only have lots of fun with our visits, but they will feel truly loved and cherished - for everyone deserves to feel that way, because they are! It breaks my heart that so many people don't know how special they are and I want to do everything possible in my life to help more people to know, and feel and believe that it's true - that to the Creator of the universe they are beloved and that with Him there is hope for today and the days to come!

I just wanted to take a minute to share where my heart is in this project. Ultimately, I know that if Jesus were walking on this earth today he would be visiting these children, and children like them all over the world, so it is with great joy and gratitude that I to step into doing what he would do hoping that I can reflect his love.

As you can see, I am very excited about getting to visit these children every week with a group of UFT students and friends! We told the children that we will be back every Sunday at 2pm and several UFT students have already committed to continue to visit each Sunday, even after Francesca and I return to the US in November. They are very excited and full of awesome ideas which makes me thrilled to dream about what will come of this project.


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