Saturday, August 24, 2013

American Film (24/8)

Hello all,

Today we watched A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), which is based on a play by Tennessee Williams and takes place in New Orleans in the late 1940s. The main charcters are Blanche DuBois, Stella Kowalski, Stanley Kowalski and Harold 'Mitch' Mitchell.

Blanche and Stanley are foils to each other in that they represent opposite extremes: while Blanche representes the old South and delicate femininity, Stanley represents the new South and aggressive masculinity.


Elysian fields: campos Elísios (uma referencia ao mundo subterrâneo na mitologia grega)
Polack: expressão pejorativa para se referir a um descendente polonês
Gender roles: os papéis de gênero
Foil: na literatura, um personagem que contrasta com a protagonista, a fim de destacar certas características de cada personagem

Discussion question:
Do you think Blanche is insane and deserves to be sent to the insane asylum (manicomio) in the end of the film or do you think she is a victim of her particular cultural situation? Explain why or why not.

1 comment:

  1. I think Blance is a victim of her particular cultural situation, because she lived in a sexist society, where she could not exprees her fellings, living inferior to men

    by AGNALDO


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